How to determine the IP address for a shared folder?



Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the IP Address for a
shared folder?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Uncle Marvo

If you're talking about a shared folder on YOUR machine, you can do an
IPCONFIG in DOS, but if you're on DHCP it may (probably will) change from
time to time.

If it's on ANOTHER machine, you can PING the name (as specified in My
Computer) and the reply will be from the IP of it.

Is this what you're asking?



The path of shared drive is \\company\folder
Could you please give me any suggestions on how to ping this directory?
Thank you very much for any suggestions

Uncle Marvo

The IP address is of \\company. Ping that (Run: ping company) . The \folder
bit is only a folder at the address of \\company, in the same way as it
would be if it was c:\folder.

Big Al

Eric said:
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the IP Address for a
shared folder?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Folders don't have IP addresses. Only the computer they are on.

John John (MVP)

That is like saying that you want the street address for the master
bedroom in your house, the IP address is assigned to the machine, not to
folders, just as house numbers are assigned to the houses, not to rooms
in the houses.


Big Al

It might be better if you explained what you are trying to accomplish.
We know you want to ping a directory. But since that is not possible,
what is the bottom line task you are trying to do? Send data to that
folder? Share it remotely? What?

Bruce Chambers

Eric said:
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the IP Address for a
shared folder?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions

It's the same as the IP address of the computer on which the share is
hosted; folders do not have their own IP addresses.


Bruce Chambers

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