whne printing, my printer alway live a little white margin,
since i made the image at the paper size, this needs to
scaled a little-
i will like to know exactly the printable are,
how to make it?
I take it you want to find the maximum horizontal and vertical dimensions of
an image that you want to print on a particular size of paper in Photoshop.
If so, here's the way I did it for my printer:
1. Start with the vertical dimension and set it to a large dimension that
exceeds the maximum
2. Set the horizontal well within the minimum because we want to find the
vertical max first
3. Try a print command
4. You should get the message: "The image is larger than the paper's
printable area; some clipping will occur."
5. Cancel the print
6. Using the canvas command, decrease the vertical dimension
7. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, 6 until you stop getting the message. You've found
the maximum vertical size
8. Now set a large horizontal size using the canvas command and repeat the
same steps
If you know how to conduct a binary search you can quickly get it down to
hundreths of an inch. I had to do the above because the maximum printable
area wasn't published for my Epson printer. If it's a 2200, for example,
the max sizes are
Letter (A4): 8.25 x 10.32
A3: 11.45 x 15.87
Super B: 12.7 x 12.512