How to determine Requierements

  • Thread starter Thread starter Baltazar Martínez Galla
  • Start date Start date

Baltazar Martínez Galla

Hello, I'm developing some software that will be sold in the market in the
next couple of month, I develop in 2 different machines, with high capacity
ram and speed, my question is this:

Is there a way i can find out the requirements that the software will be
needing, just like the ones in software been sold, software requierements,
system requierements. I would like to also know how i can test or do a
benchmarking in my software to see how long it would take to load, run,
search, etc, etc.

Any help or guidence will be appreciated.

Baltazar Martínez Galla
Hi Baltazar,

You'll need to buy or borrow some low-spec computers and install your
software on these.

To test its behaviour in low memory situations, write a simple program
that allocates huge amounts of memory and run your program at the same time.

For accurate timing, check out PerformanceCounters. If you have Server
Explorer in your VS, you can get a list of the
PerformanceCounters by opening this window, and expanding the nodes for
Servers and your machine.

There is also a Management Console application, Perfmon.exe, with which
you can examine the available counters.
