How to determine if field is all uppercase?



I know how to convert fields to all uppercase, all lowercase, or to mixed
case, but how can you determine if a field is all uppercase, or all lowercase?

Allen Browne

Type an expression like this into the Field Row in query design,
substituting your field name for f1:

IsUpper: IIf([f1] Is Null, Null, StrComp(StrConv([f1], 1), [f1], 0) = 0)

If you are trying this in VBA, use IsNull() instead of Is Null, and use
vbUpperCase and vbBinaryCompare for the arguments.

John Spencer

Couldn't that exprsssion be simplified by removing the IIF? StrComp and
StrConv both handle nulls and if F1 is null the expression below will return

IsUpper: StrComp(StrConv([f1], 1), [f1], 0) = 0

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Allen Browne said:
Type an expression like this into the Field Row in query design,
substituting your field name for f1:

IsUpper: IIf([f1] Is Null, Null, StrComp(StrConv([f1], 1), [f1], 0) = 0)

If you are trying this in VBA, use IsNull() instead of Is Null, and use
vbUpperCase and vbBinaryCompare for the arguments.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

majobojrod said:
I know how to convert fields to all uppercase, all lowercase, or to mixed
case, but how can you determine if a field is all uppercase, or all

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