I can trap alphanumeric keys wih this code but the event doesn't even fire
when a page down, page up, home, end is pressed. I've overloaded the
OnKeyPress event for the form. The event will fire on alphanumeric keys,
punctuation, etc. Why won't the event fire on Page Up/Page Down keys?
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyPress(ByVal e As
Select Case Val(e.KeyChar())
Case Keys.PageDown ' Page Down
end function
Bill Nicholson
Cincinnati, OH, USA
I can trap alphanumeric keys wih this code but the event doesn't even fire
when a page down, page up, home, end is pressed. I've overloaded the
OnKeyPress event for the form. The event will fire on alphanumeric keys,
punctuation, etc. Why won't the event fire on Page Up/Page Down keys?
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyPress(ByVal e As
Select Case Val(e.KeyChar())
Case Keys.PageDown ' Page Down
end function
Bill Nicholson
Cincinnati, OH, USA