Nocturnal is talking rubbish. He said that "If you plug your scanner into
your USB port and you get a box pop up from your system tray saying this can
perform better on a USB 2.0 port you'll know it isn't a USB 2.0 device.
Wrong. "Your" USB port he talks about would have to be a USB 1.1 port.
Also if the box pops up in your system tray you'll know it IS (not isn't) a
USB 2.0 device.
Sorry to grouch Nocturnal but you know how it is.
Just use your discretion, Thomas. If the hardware is new, you can safely
say that it is probably USB 2.0. If it's fast, new and high-res, you can
safely say it is USB 2.0. Best way to find out is to read the hardware's