There is no way to configure a server to be a standby FSMO server. You
should designate a DC that will be able to hold the roles in case of a
disaster but the FSMO roles must be manually transferred or seized. . In
many cases your clients won't even notice that the FSMO roles are not
available. It depends on which roles are down and what type of action is
being performed. There is a chapter in the Distributed Systems Guide that
will explain how to respond to FSMO failures and what symptoms you will
experience if a FSMO role owner is not available. It is available online at
You should also become familiar with the following articles
255690 HOW TO: View and Transfer FSMO Roles in the Graphical User Interface
255504 Using Ntdsutil.exe to Seize or Transfer FSMO Roles to a Domain
Active directory Disaster Recovery
Tim Hines, MCSE, MCSA
Windows 2000 Directory Services
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