how to deploy .NET application on multiple platforms??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Farooq Khan
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Farooq Khan

how can i make an installation program (like the one used to be built using
install shield) for deploying the .NET application on some platform say
i beleive that .NET architecture was designed to be platform independent,
only CLR being different for different platforms (but not the code). i'm a
bit confused with this, dont know what else would need to be changed for
deploying same application on different me out on this!!!

Best Regards,
Farooq Khan
You can't. .Net runs only on Windows today. There are projects like Mono
trying to change that, but at this point - it is Windows only.

how can i make an installation program (like the one used to be built
using install shield) for deploying the .NET application on some
platform say linux?
i beleive that .NET architecture was designed to be platform
independent, only CLR being different for different platforms (but not
the code). i'm a bit confused with this, dont know what else would
need to be changed for deploying same application on different me out on this!!!

Errm, who told you that .net is platform independend?

MS made everything to give the impression that it /could/ be platform-
independend. But this does not mean that it /is/ platform-independend.

The Mono-people are working on a implementation for Linux, but they are
quite restricted because MS holds the patents on a large part of the
framework. I do not think that MS ever planned to make it a platform-
independend environment (why should they?), but just tried to give this
impression. I'm quite sure that MS will do everything (technological and
legal) that .NET will never become a true platform-independend
environment. If you consider .NET platform-independend, you can also
consider Win32 platform-independend, because there is Wine on Linux, and
it supports a large part of the Win32 api. Windows is a cash-cow for MS.
So why should MS do anything which could hurt their cash-cow? MS and open
is a oxymoron.