I suspect you meant 1.1, not 1.0, right ?
If you *only* want to use aspnet 2.0, you can unregister aspnet 1.1
From the aspnet 1.1 directory
run :
aspnet_regiis -u
If you do have aspnet 1.0, it will be located at
You can unregister it with the same command, run from *that* directory.
I suspect you'll find that directory almost empty, though.
Unregistering all 1.x versions will leave only aspnet 2.0 registered on your IIS,
and 2.0 will be the only choice you have in the IIS property settings.
For good measure, after you unregister all 1.x versions, you can run :
aspnet_regiis -i
from the .net framework 2.0 directory:
Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP
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