How to delete system rollback archives?



I have a Dell XPS computer with Vista Home Premium installed. Recently I
found out that a lot of my disc space is occupied by system recover data
stored in several archives in C:\system rollback data\restore. It is more
than 20 GB of the total amount of 80 GB disc space! I want to remove the
archives, but I dont know how. Any ideas of what I can do to get rid of the

Dustin Harper

Turn off System Restore. That removes all the old system restore files. Then
turn it back on to start it over again.

Dustin Harper

Ok. Give this a shot:

1. Open Disk Cleanup by clicking the Start button , clicking All Programs,
clicking Accessories, clicking System Tools, and then clicking Disk Cleanup.

2. In the Disk Cleanup Options dialog box, choose whether you want to clean
up your own files only or all of the files on the computer. If you are
prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or
provide confirmation.

3. If the Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection dialog box appears, select the hard
disk drive that you want to clean up, and then click OK.

4. Click the Disk Cleanup tab, and then select the check boxes for the
files you want to delete.

5. When you finish selecting the files you want to delete, click OK, and
then click Delete files to confirm the operation. Disk Cleanup proceeds to
remove all unnecessary files from your computer.

The More Options tab is available when you choose to clean files from all
users on the computer. This tab includes two additional ways to free even
more disk space:

• Programs and Features. Opens Programs and Features in Control Panel, where
you can uninstall programs that you no longer use. The Size column in
Programs and Features shows how much disk space each program uses.

• System Restore and Shadow Copies. Prompts you to delete all but the most
recent restore point on the disk.


Now I have tried what you said, but without success. All of the files
remains in three different archives. Do you think it is possible to delete
the files manually without making things worse?

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