How to delete / edit document statistics, eg creation date

Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
I was very worried to see that word secretly records the amount of time spent editing my document, as well as it's creation date and modification dates and whatnot.

This is information I definitely do not want to share with a boss/employer/client.

Short of pasting the contents into a brand new document prior to emailing, can you tell me how to delete all the metadata that Word 2007 secretly collects. This is potentially confidential info and I do not want to share it, but it's impossible to delete in Word as far as I can see.

Thanks in advance for tips
Just wondering if anyone is willing to help me with this problem please? Thanks a lot
Perhaps someone could suggest another forum where users might be willing to help? Thank you
Thanks goodness, I got a reply for a different forum where users actually answer questions, unlike this one. I'm posting it for anyone else who's been ignored by pcreview:

Although it is possible to remove personal information from Word documents,
if you do not want the creation time and editing time reflected in your
document, you can use Save As when it is complete; this will "restart the
clock." For the rest, use Office Button | Prepare | Inspect Document.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)