How to debug



Hello all

I am new to web technology, so plz excuse me for posting such a silly
question .

I have a code in C#.NET , ASP.NET, Javascript . I am a begginer of
Javascript i don't
understand the usage of script in web application development.
Can i set the debug enviroment for Javascript code. All the script are
written in aspx page.
I want to debugg the javascript code , Is it possible
If yes , Then Plz suggest me how to acheive this

With regards
Tarun Sinha

Richard Brown

Your javascript is client side, so sorry no. Put some alerts in at key
points of your code and track your problem down that way.

Laurent Bugnion

Hello all

I am new to web technology, so plz excuse me for posting such a silly
question .

I have a code in C#.NET , ASP.NET, Javascript . I am a begginer of
Javascript i don't
understand the usage of script in web application development.
Can i set the debug enviroment for Javascript code. All the script are
written in aspx page.
I want to debugg the javascript code , Is it possible
If yes , Then Plz suggest me how to acheive this

With regards
Tarun Sinha

It is possible to debug client-side JavaScript code. There are different

1) In Firefox, use the Venkman JavaScript debugger at

2) In Visual Studio, if you start your web application using F5 (debug),
you can set breakpoints in your client-side code. Note that this works
best if the code is in JavaScript files.

3) In Visual Studio, you can use the menu Debug / Attach to attach the
debugger to Internet Explorer (choose the Script language). Then you can
debug any client side code available in any web site, as long as it runs
in Internet Explorer.


Laurent Bugnion


Richard said:
Your javascript is client side, so sorry no. Put some alerts in at key
points of your code and track your problem down that way.

Your answer was correct a long time ago. Since then, the technology came
a long way and we now have Venkman and Visual Studio to debug
client-side code (amongst others).

See my other post in the same thread for details.


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