how to customize column headings in file open

  • Thread starter Thread starter photog48
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I have word 2002. When I go to File Open, I get column headings for Tags, and
also columns that are not sized correctly. I can change the headings and get
the columns to fit, but the next time I open word, it seems to default back
to the old headings. How do I 'permanently' change the col sizes and the
photog48 was telling us:
photog48 nous racontait que :
I have word 2002. When I go to File Open, I get column headings for
Tags, and also columns that are not sized correctly. I can change the
headings and get the columns to fit, but the next time I open word,
it seems to default back to the old headings. How do I 'permanently'
change the col sizes and the headings.

Select the table, then:
"Table" menu > Table Properties... > "Table" tab > "Options..." button
Uncheck "Automatically resize to fit contents."

Also, make sure you have unchecked "Automatically update document styles"
from "Tool" menu > "Templates and Add-ins" dialogue > "Template" tab.
Jean-Guy Marcil said:
photog48 was telling us:
photog48 nous racontait que :

Select the table, then:
"Table" menu > Table Properties... > "Table" tab > "Options..." button
Uncheck "Automatically resize to fit contents."

Also, make sure you have unchecked "Automatically update document styles"
from "Tool" menu > "Templates and Add-ins" dialogue > "Template" tab.

Jean-Guy Marcil
Montreal, Canada

Jean Guy,
Thanks for response, but not sure that works. Maybe I didn't explain it well
enough. When I want to open a file in Word, I go to File Open, I get a
listing of all the files in the particular directory I am in. Across the top,
you have File Name, Date Modified, Type of File, Size, Tags, etc. You can
left click on the bar at the top that gives you the headings and make changes
- i.e. size all columns to fit, delete certain columns and add certain
columns. Unfortunately, when I try to use file open the next day, I am back
to old headings and col sizes. With the file open dialogue box open, I cannot
get the Table menu listing. I am not even sure the dialogue box of files is a
Automatically Update document styles is already unchecked.
photog48 was telling us:
photog48 nous racontait que :
Thanks for response, but not sure that works. Maybe I didn't explain
it well enough. When I want to open a file in Word, I go to File
Open, I get a listing of all the files in the particular directory I
am in. Across the top, you have File Name, Date Modified, Type of
File, Size, Tags, etc. You can left click on the bar at the top that
gives you the headings and make changes - i.e. size all columns to
fit, delete certain columns and add certain columns. Unfortunately,
when I try to use file open the next day, I am back to old headings
and col sizes. With the file open dialogue box open, I cannot get the
Table menu listing. I am not even sure the dialogue box of files is a
Automatically Update document styles is already unchecked.

Sorry, I thought that after opening files that contained tables, the tables
in the files were misbehaving...

I have not used 2002 for some time now, but I seem to remember that the
file, picture and object dialogs were kind of inflexible like that...
With 2003, it "remembers" my last settings, but apparently not in 2002. I do
not think you can adjust that anywhere.
Maybe someone knows of a registry hack for this...

Just try to keep Word running as long as possible, you can close all
documents, but keep Word running...