how to create IE process of 1 website then set value for text box?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Khanh
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dear all,

I would like to start a process for IE browser from my Pocket PC
App, this can be done by CreateProccess. Now how can I assign
a value to a text box on that website? for instance, open Yahoo mail,
then assign my account name into textbox Yahoo ID ? how about SendMessage API?

You would have to attach your code to the browser object and do this using
DOM. It's not that difficult in COM (using the IWebBrowser2 interface), but
I don't know if and how it can be done in .Net code.

Are you trying to make it easier for a user to log in interactively, or are
you trying to download content from the Yahoo site. If you are only
downloading content, then there's no reason to use IE at all. You can
perform the entire HTTP interaction using .NET objects, collect the content,
and store it locally for pocket IE to browse. This is essentially what
AvantGo does (although they don't use .NET).

--- Nick
To Jerry,
Thanks for your help, but it seems you misunderstand me, that isn't
to embed IE control into my app, I just create 1 new process of IE
browser. And the problem here is how to assign a value into 1 textbox
of that website.
The reason why I don't embed the IE control into my App because
we're developing in Pocket PC, .NET compact framework, and it doesn't
support to embed IE control.

To Nick
We're trying to make it easier for a user to browse interactively,
and Yahoo mail is just an example. In fact, we would like to browse to
another website (useful website for searching region,
map, etc... by address, postal code), and customer info we can get
from database.

Hope to hearing from you soon.
I'm not talking about embedding IE, I'm talking about creating a browser
helper object, or not even that, just attaching to the WebBrowser object in
the running IE process (the IE window you see is just a wrapper that embeds
the WebBrowser object, and you work with as such, even when it's not
embedded in your application).

hi Jerry,

Could you please tell me more about how to control WebBrowser object
in IE window? a snippet of code would be welcome, or any link would
also be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,