how to create formula to divide two rows autoaatically

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Is there any way to setup a sheet or create a formula so that it will divide
the data in column A by Column B anytime the data is entered and put it into
columnC ?

What I am trying to do is create a spreadsheet for calculating fuel MPG. So
I have columns as miles, gallons and the calculation as MPG.

What I want to do is anytime a value is entered into miles and gallons, to
calculate mpg and put it into that respective cell.

Is there any way I can do this ?
Tony, in Column C, type the formula =sum(a1/b1). This should give you the
result you are looking for.

Hope this helps
That only works for one cell in that particular row.

I want to be able to enter the miles and gallons in any row and have it
automatically calculate mpg for that row,

Here is some sample data:
Miles Gall MPG
200 10 20

That formula works great but there seems to be no way to have it use that
formula all the way down the sheet for any value entered into miles-column,
gallons-column and have it calculate mpg

Can this be done ?
Try copying the formula down from the starting cell, say in C1.

Drag the fill handle (the black square at the bottom right corner of C1)
down as far as there is data in cols A and B
(or you could also just double-click on the fill handle)

And you could even copy down ahead to cater for expected data in cols A and
B, if you want.
Sure it can. You will need to copy the formula to the other cells in column
C. Please send me an email at (e-mail address removed) and I will send you an
attachment with the formula populating column C.

Copy the formula down the column, and every time you enter data in Column A
and Column B, you'll get an instant answer in Column C.

After you enter the formula
In C1, click in C1 again.

You'll see a small black square in the lower right corner of this selected
When you hover the cursor over this square, it'll change from a fat white
cross to a skinny black cross.
At that point, click and drag the cursor down the column, which is copying
the formula down Column C.
You'll notice that the formula changes, as to cell addresses, so that Column
C will then calculate Column A and Column B on *every* row.
If you fill column C with:


and copy this down the entries will "look"automatic. That is, the C cells
will aprear blank until you enter numbers in column A and B
That works pretty good if the miles is zero it does not give a divide by
zero error. But what about if gallons is zero ?

Can I look to see if both are zero ?