how to create blank empty square cell graph template

  • Thread starter Thread starter HIOX8
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I need a simple way to create an empty cell graph with 75 columns with each
column .1 inch wide and 100 rows with each row .1 inch high. This implies
margins of .5 inches all around on an 8.5" x 11" paper. I have found a
possible way to do this in Microsoft excel 2007 by setting each column
individually to .1" width (75 times) and then each row to .1" height (100
times) but I always seem to end up with a few rows visibly too wide or too
high, and God knows how many more might be imperceptibly off by .01 inch in
either height or width or both. In Microsoft works, I can create a simple
template, but I have not found a way to make any cell smaller than one
quarter of an inch square. Whenever I search, I never find any downloadable
simple instruction that does not involve squaring data when I mention
geometrically square cells, or "non-empty" whenever i search for empty
cells. Whenever I search to create a template I find out how to open and save
a workbook that I do not have because i have not successfully created the one
i need to open and save. Forgive me for being such a dummy. I am something
more of a reactor than a creator. Please note that a square is a rectangle
with all four sides the same length. A rectangle is a four sided figure with
every corner at right angles. All right angles are equal. I am not asking to
build a baseball field.
"in Microsoft excel 2007 by setting each column individually to .1" width
(75 times)"
Why not select 75 columns (the column headers A thru BW) and set the width
all at once
How do you get 0.1" when Excel uses pixels?

But why use Excel. I got what you wanted with in 3 minutes using a graph
paper printing software I have had for years. Google "graph paper printer"
and you will get 0.1M hits -- many to free software

best wishes
This may not be applicable in XL 2007, but here's what I was able to find.

According to Help file, row height is measured in points, with each point =
Thus, 0.1" equals 7.2 points. However, since XL is actually limited by pixel
size, 9 pixels equals 6.75 points, and 10 pixels equsl 7.5 points. Thus, the
problem is already skewed.

Assuming we're content to use 6.75 points (0.09375"), you then take note of
the 9 pixel count, and adjust column width. Width is measured by
characterlimit of default font (how nice of Microsoft to be inconsistent!) It
works out that 9 pixels = a width of 0.75 when using a default font of 10.

Since it sounds like your final outcome is to print, we'll go ahead and
adjust all rows/columns. Select entire spreadh sheet, and set row and column
widths (only need to do this once, not once for every row/column). Now, give
borders to the area you actually want (your 75x100).

Again, not sure if this applies to XL 2007, I did this in XL2003. Best of
Maybe this code from Ole Erlandson can help?

Set your rows and columns to mm(2.54 is 1/10th inch.)

You will have to play with print settings and zoom to try to fit all on one
page as you wish.

Sub SetColumnWidthMM(ColNo As Long, mmWidth As Integer)
' changes the column width to mmWidth
Dim w As Single
If ColNo < 1 Or ColNo > 255 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
w = Application.CentimetersToPoints(mmWidth / 10)
While Columns(ColNo + 1).Left - Columns(ColNo).Left - 0.1 > w
Columns(ColNo).ColumnWidth = Columns(ColNo).ColumnWidth - 0.1
While Columns(ColNo + 1).Left - Columns(ColNo).Left + 0.1 < w
Columns(ColNo).ColumnWidth = Columns(ColNo).ColumnWidth + 0.1
End Sub

Sub SetRowHeightMM(RowNo As Long, mmHeight As Integer)
' changes the row height to mmHeight
If RowNo < 1 Or RowNo > 65536 Then Exit Sub
Rows(RowNo).RowHeight = Application.CentimetersToPoints(mmHeight / 10)
End Sub

Sub ChangeWidthAndHeight()
Dim w As Long
Dim r As Long
For w = 1 To 75
SetColumnWidthMM w, 2.54
Next w
For r = 1 To 100
SetRowHeightMM r, 2.54
Next r
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Bernard, thank you for your response. I was already aware of most of what you
had suggested.Perhaps if I explain what I need the template for, you will
better understand the solution. It involves diagramming a seating plan for
various size halls and various numbers of chairs. Some chairs are rigid steel
with padded backs and seats, others are molded plastic supported by heavy
wire frames, and then we also have the standard steel folding chairs whose
basic design has been around for decades and is duplicated by hundreds of
manufacturers. Each chair, regardless of its design, has a footprint, or area
encompassed by its four legs, of about 18 inches square. For individual
comfort and ease of access, each chair needs to be positioned within an area
about 3 feet (36 inches) wide and four feet (48 inches long). From the back
of every chair to the back of the seat in front of it, would be four feet
(48 inches) and from the right side of every chair to the corresponding right
side of the chair to its left, there shouild be three feet (36 inches). I now
figure a scaled graph template with a grid or cell size of .125 inch (1/8
inch) per inch will work nicely. Each cell would represent 6 inch squares on
the floor. Thus, one chair in the diagram will cover 9 cells on the template,
and the 3 foot by 4 foot zone will cover 48 cells on the template. The brick
and mortar problem is one of acoustics. A new hall we started meeting in is
larger than most high school gymnasiums, and with chairs in a rectangular
pattern, speakers facing front in the front row cannot be heard by most of
the people in the rows behind. The arrangement of the chairs based on the
number of people in attendance and on the size of the hall can make a
difference as to who hears who. Thus, a well thought out, adjustable seating
plan needs to be devised. To encourage attendees to sit where they can be
heard and/or where they can hear, requires the more luxurious padded chairs
to be strategically placed. The diagram will reflect that by color coding the
different types of chairs. I was thinking of having preprinted paper
templates with fifteen chairs in each template that can be arranged angularly
to other identical templates before scanning the images to a single floor
plan, which may be utilized only one time for one hall. The fifteen chair
template would have four chairs in the front row, five chairs in the middle
row, and six in the back row. The back row would be 16.5 feet from the the
right side of the right chair to the left side of the sixth or last chair on
the left end of the row. Allowing one aisle three and a half feet wide at one
end of each set of fifteen chairas, that mini template would have 40 cells
for the back row, and so on and so forth.

Bernard said:
"in Microsoft excel 2007 by setting each column individually to .1" width
(75 times)"
Why not select 75 columns (the column headers A thru BW) and set the width
all at once
How do you get 0.1" when Excel uses pixels?

But why use Excel. I got what you wanted with in 3 minutes using a graph
paper printing software I have had for years. Google "graph paper printer"
and you will get 0.1M hits -- many to free software

best wishes
I need a simple way to create an empty cell graph with 75 columns with each
column .1 inch wide and 100 rows with each row .1 inch high. This implies
[quoted text clipped - 22 lines]
build a baseball field.