First of all, your host must allow subwebs. Some don't. And, many require
that they set it up. So contact your host, and tell them the name of the
subweb. Then, once it's set up, File | Publish and input the proper URL,
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
About FrontPage 2003:
| Thanks, but I don't see anywhere in the help how to "create a subweb on
| hosted site". Only how to design a subweb.
| Let me restate the problem:
| I designed in Fp a site, published it and it works A OK.
| I now have modified it, and need to test it, leaving the original site
| Once it has passed the test, I will then publish it to the 'live' site.
| --
| Thanks ... Barry
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > In FP Create a subweb on your hosted site and publish to the subweb (not
the rootweb)
| >
| > --
| >
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| >
| > | How is best to create a TEST version of the site (leaving the original
| > | unmodified version intact). I can't test locally as it uses server
side .php.
| > |
| > | Previously, (using IE) I have created a 'TEST' folder (in the root)
| > | ftp'd all the files under it. But I don't see how to create a
| > | folder using F'page and if I could, how do I publish to this folder
(and not
| > | the real site)?
| > |
| > | PS - I obviously can't afford to experiment or make a mistake and wipe
| > | the original !!
| > | --
| > | Thanks ... Barry
| >
| >
| >