How to create a shared folder for different groups?



Does anyone have any suggestions on how to create a shared folder for
different groups? For example, There are 3 departments, and I would like to
create 3 folders only to be accessed by its own department. However, Each
department has 5 staffs, I would like to assign access right to 5 specific
people under the same department. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to
do it under XP?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions

John John (MVP)

Just set the permissions to the groups on the folders, only members of
the group with permissioms will be able to acces the folders. Do you
now have different User Groups set up for the users?


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Eric said:
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to create a shared folder for
different groups? For example, There are 3 departments, and I would like
create 3 folders only to be accessed by its own department. However, Each
department has 5 staffs, I would like to assign access right to 5 specific
people under the same department. Does anyone have any suggestions on how
do it under XP?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions

You should create three groups, e.g. Accounting, Payroll, Engineering,
then populate each group with the appropriate staff. Now set the
permissions for these folders so that only the correct groups have access.

If unsure how to do this, ask your network administrator to assist
or click Start / Help, then look for help and tutorials on these subjects:
Groups, Permissions.


You should create three groups, e.g. Accounting, Payroll, Engineering,
then populate each group with the appropriate staff. Now set the
permissions for these folders so that only the correct groups have access.

If unsure how to do this, ask your network administrator to assist
or click Start / Help, then look for help and tutorials on these subjects:
Groups, Permissions.
However this is a pain in the ass to administrate. This is much
easier if you switch to Domain based network vs a p2p network.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

OldDuke said:
However this is a pain in the ass to administrate. This is much
easier if you switch to Domain based network vs a p2p network.

The amount of work involved in creating groups is the same
in a Domain model as in a Workgroup model. The big difference
in a Domain model is the central administration: After doing it
once, it applies to all PCs in the domain.

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