How to copy shortcuts in a batch file

  • Thread starter Thread starter Diane Walker
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Diane Walker

Is there a way to setup a batch file to copy a shortcut to a user's desktop?
For example, I want to setup a batch file so that it will create an Excel
shortcut (Excel.exe) to a user's desktop.

Diane Walker said:
Is there a way to setup a batch file to copy a shortcut to a user's
For example, I want to setup a batch file so that it will create an Excel
shortcut (Excel.exe) to a user's desktop.


Do you want to copy and existing shortcut to the user's
desktop or to you want to create a brand new shortcut?
I want to create a brand new shortcut and put it on the user's desktop.
Here is a VB Script example that will create a shortcut on
the user's desktop:
Set ObjShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objShortcut =ObjShell.CreateShortcut(strPath & "\Internet Explorer
objShortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
objShortcut.arguments = ""
objShortcut.Description = "Explorer Test"
Thank you very much for taking time to this for me. I have to ask you a
dumb question. Do I copy the script to the notepad and save the file as
executable such as install.bat? I am not sure how to execute the script.


You save it to c:\CreateShortcut.vbs (for example) and invoke
it with this command:

cscript //nologo c:\CreateShortcut.vbs
Thanks very much.

Pegasus (MVP) said:
You save it to c:\CreateShortcut.vbs (for example) and invoke
it with this command:

cscript //nologo c:\CreateShortcut.vbs