How to copy files from folders

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


What I want to to do is open a folder and copy the file LISTINGS to
MSWORD......In other words, I just want to copy the name of the file
to WORD but NOT the contents of the file.
Is this possible and how can I do it????? Your help appreciated.

Please feel free to consult the Word experts in the Microsoft Word newsgroup:

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| What I want to to do is open a folder and copy the file LISTINGS to
| MSWORD......In other words, I just want to copy the name of the file
| to WORD but NOT the contents of the file.
| Is this possible and how can I do it????? Your help appreciated.
| Thanks
Mike said:
What I want to to do is open a folder and copy the file LISTINGS to
MSWORD......In other words, I just want to copy the name of the file
to WORD but NOT the contents of the file.
Is this possible and how can I do it????? Your help appreciated.

Open a command prompt in said subdirectory.
At the command prompt, type:

dir /b /o:n /a:-D > filename.txt

Then open filename.txt in word.
| "Mike" <[email protected]>
| wrote in message | What I want to to do is open a folder and copy the file
| LISTINGS to MSWORD......In other words, I just want to
| copy the name of the file to WORD but NOT the contents
| of the file. Is this possible and how can I do it????? Your
| help appreciated. Thanks

If you have Microsoft Word then perhaps you have Microsoft
Office and have installed Microsoft Outlook and its Integrated
File Management Advanced Find component (finder.exe). If
you have then you can use it to copy the names of the files
into Word.

To do that run Outlook, click Other or Other Shortcuts on the
Outlook Bar, click My Computer, and navigate to the folder
desired. Then, if desired, you can remove all columns except
Name (and further refine the view) by selecting: [Menu bar]
View | Current View | Customize Current View: Fields

To save the table list of results:

- Click within the table list of results
- Choose [Menu bar] Edit | Select All (or keyboard: CTRL+A)
- Use the keyboard command CTRL+C to copy the directory listing
- Paste into Word by choosing Edit | Paste Special | Unformatted Text

Note 1: You can paste the table list of results into Excel without
using the Paste Special Unformatted Text Command.

Note 2: You can print a table list of results directly from Outlook
by clicking the File menu, clicking Print, and in the Print style
box click Table Style.

For information about how to "Print a view of a file list"
search Microsoft Outlook Help for the words in double-

For information about how to "Set up or remove individual
components" search Microsoft Outlook Help for the words in