How to convert special charaters &# ;

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I've a dbase with access 2000 containing Names & First names that I receive from my mailing list
my problem is that some characters appears in the following form
(where 000 are values

For instance in González, á is for the a spanish "a",
What I would like is to convert all those special characters in the correct letter
(I tried to export the dbase in other format but I still can't figure out how to see in correct format)
You can do it with update queries, but that would be tedious. A better
solution would probably be to write a little VBA procedure that manually
replaces the characters. Check online help for the Left, Right and
Substring functions (I never remember the syntax <eg>)


Rebecca Riordan, MVP

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Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves,
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Ralph said:
I've a dbase with access 2000 containing Names & First names that I receive from my mailing list,
my problem is that some characters appears in the following form
(where 000 are values)

For instance in González, á is for the a spanish "a",
What I would like is to convert all those special characters in the correct letter.
(I tried to export the dbase in other format but I still can't figure out
how to see in correct format)