I have a problem in that I need to update some old code from Delphi 4 (1997) to C# .NET.
The following is a Delphi record array.
TMyJob = record
ReceiveDate: string[10];
JobName: string[150];
Contractor: string[100];
AssignDate: string[10];
DetailerName: string[30];
Jobs: array of TMyJob;
The program that I'm trying to update (rewrite) is loading array's from a file stored on the computer. Since it was done in Delphi I'm not having much luck getting these to load properly.
The following is a Delphi record array.
TMyJob = record
ReceiveDate: string[10];
JobName: string[150];
Contractor: string[100];
AssignDate: string[10];
DetailerName: string[30];
Jobs: array of TMyJob;
The program that I'm trying to update (rewrite) is loading array's from a file stored on the computer. Since it was done in Delphi I'm not having much luck getting these to load properly.