I'm try to convert a String to Datetime, but convert only works for some format:
my value is:
"20040719 16:00"
This is the String that I want to convert to Datetime.
I testing with some culture and the closet fromat was this
Dim culture As CultureInfo = New CultureInfo("ja-JP")
that convet from 2004/07/19 16:00
But doesn't work without Separators
Also try next
Dim myCI As New CultureInfo("en-US", False)
Dim myCIclone As CultureInfo = CType(myCI.Clone(), CultureInfo)
myCIclone.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator = ""
But send me and error, what can I do.
Somebody can help me?
Thanks in advance.
I'm try to convert a String to Datetime, but convert only works for some format:
my value is:
"20040719 16:00"
This is the String that I want to convert to Datetime.
I testing with some culture and the closet fromat was this
Dim culture As CultureInfo = New CultureInfo("ja-JP")
that convet from 2004/07/19 16:00
But doesn't work without Separators
Also try next
Dim myCI As New CultureInfo("en-US", False)
Dim myCIclone As CultureInfo = CType(myCI.Clone(), CultureInfo)
myCIclone.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator = ""
But send me and error, what can I do.
Somebody can help me?
Thanks in advance.