How to control vritual directory not requests dlls on top directory? thanks



I have a website, in web.config, I have set several httphandler dll like

<add verb="*" path="default.aspx" type="Link.MainHandler, link" />

I then create a virutal directory under the site, the vritual directory has
its own dll, but when I run files in the virtual directory, it always ask
for the dll link in the top level. I even added


in the web.config in the virtual directory, but in vain. any idea?



Try using 'Remove' only for your custom httpHandler.

On using <clear>(which should be the last statement in httpHandler section)
- you should have got an error saying no handlers found for verb=GET.


Brock Allen

When you add them in the parent you can add the validate=false option, then
when you use remove in the child web.config you won't have problems.

<add verb="*" path="default.aspx" type="Link.MainHandler, link" validate="false"


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