Thanks, Pete
I just want program a UDP stream sending application for a IPQAM device
is needed by Digial TV VOD Broadcast system.The speed of my server and a
IPQAM device is 10000Mbps.
The IPQAM device only can accept a constant bit rate udp TS(mpeg2
stream) data stream for broadcasting TV.
What is the network configuration here? Does the IPQAM device receive the
UDP datagrams directly? What is its relationship to the sender? Are they
on the same computer? On the same LAN? Or communicating over the
Internet and/or some other telecommunications link? Does the sender get
any feedback whatsoever regarding the state or status of the IPQAM device,
and/or any other components in the network involved in transmitting the
What does it mean when you write "only can accept a constant bit rate UDP
TS data stream"? I ask, because there is no such thing as a genuinely
"constant bit rate UDP stream". UDP isn't stream-oriented in the first
place, and as a protocol that's part of TCP/IP there's definitely no
ensuring that the UDP datagrams arrive in an exact frequency (for that
matter, UDP doesn't guarantee delivery, doesn't guarantee unique delivery,
and doesn't guarantee in-order delivery). It seems likely to be that if
the IPQAM device is actually receiving the UDP datagrams directly, it
*must* have some sort of buffering. So you shouldn't really need for the
transmitted datagrams to be sent at a perfect delivery sequence. They
just need to arrive fast enough to keep the IPQAM device's buffer(s)
filled (or nearly so), without going too fast (causing UDP datagrams to be
If the IPQAM isn't receiving the UDP datagrams directly, then obviously
there's some other component that is and is passing them along. That
other component should be able to do the buffering and even out the flow
of data to the IPQAM device proper.
Keep in mind that I have no idea what an "IPQAM device" is.
All I
know is what you've written here, which is that it's some sort of video
receiver that uses UDP.
As far as your implementation goes, I would offer a few thoughts: one is
that you probably don't need the high-resolution timer, since network i/o
is a) not that granular anyway, and b) operates in the realm of
milliseconds, not microseconds. The second is that rather than looping,
it would probably make more sense to just sleep for a given number of
milliseconds. This will avoid too much CPU overhead and weird thread
starvation bugs (which ironically can cause your network i/o to become
more irregular, even as you are trying to even things out and reduce it).
Yes, it's true that the Windows thread scheduler does not guarantee that
you'll be woken up exactly after the time you specify in Sleep(), but as
long as you are calculating a new wait interval each time (and it appears
that you are), then you'll be pretty close and will maintain a proper
average with a minimal of overhead.
It seems to me that if you send an amount of data with each interval that
is somewhere between 10% and 50% of the IPQAM device's network i/o
buffers, while at the same time ensuring that you are waiting for some
reasonable amount of time (ie tens of milliseconds), things ought to work
reasonably well. Of course, these two parameters may not be mutually
compatible, depending on how large the IPQAM device's buffers are. You
may have to fiddle with the specifics to get something that works just
As far as the question of writing your own network driver goes, I don't
really know. You'll have to learn all about the low-level definitions of
UDP and IP (on which UDP is built), as well as the intracacies of driver
development under Windows (see the Windows DDK). I think that the network
driver is a user-mode driver, which should simplify things, but I'm not
sure about that, and even if it is, you still have the issue of
interacting with the network hardware driver at a lower level. Bottom
line is that it's gonna be complicated if you go that route. The other
thing is that even if you develop your own driver, you may not have
control over the network components between your driver and the IPQAM
device. Just because you send data out at a perfectly regulated interval,
that will not ensure that the data arrives at the device at a perfectly
regulated interval. The best-case scenario will be where that device is
actually on the same computer, and even there the way that i/o happens on
Windows will prevent you from achieving a perfectly regulated delivery.
And of course, I will reiterate: unless you are sending data one byte at a
time, the blocks of data you send are still going to be transmitted at the
nominal rate of the network connection. If you are sending 1K blocks once
per second, then that will achieve a 1K/sec data rate, but each 1K block
is going to be sent at whatever rate the network is (100Mbps, for example).
Since I don't know what an "IPQAM device" is, I cannot comment with much
authority on its design. But, assuming it is designed to be even
minimally aware of TCP/IP networks, there should be no reason at all that
your data has be sent at *exactly* some rate. TCP/IP networks just don't
work that way, and so the designers of the device surely have anticipated
this and provided for some buffering to allow for somewhat uneven
delivery. You should be able to target an average, and as long as you do
that correctly, things should work fine.
If I were you, I would look more closely at the implementation of the
average solution first, to see if it can be improved, rather than diving
into a much more complicated proposal such as writing your own network