How to connect the Epson's R300 card reader to the PC?



I can't set up a search over the net in order to find some "electronics /
hacks / tips & triks" web site describing all what can we get from a nice
printer such the Epson Stylus Photo R300.
I would like to discover if it is possible to connect the printer's card
reader directly to the computer bypassing the printing process; then it
could be nice to to build an interface to connect the printer's LCD mini-
monitor output to a normal monitor.
Thanks for any link or instruction.


Can't see what advantage this would give you, when you install the software
for the R300 it creates an additional drive on your computer and depending
what memory card you use in the printer it will read it in that drive. With
the material on the card you can do what ever you wish, copy-paste it,
delete, or of course print it any thing you do with a hard drive and the
material on it. The reader In the R300 works slightly different to a stand
alone in that a stand alone reader will give you a drive for every slot on
it where the Epson just gives one drive. Hope this is of help.


Hi Shooter!
Yes, actually your post helps me, because I usually don't install all the
stuff shipped with the hardware. I love to maintain my computer slim, so
I installed only the drivers and never saw the other unimagined
I will test what I learned. One question: is it possible to write on the
memory card too?

Regarding my second wish, i.e. to connect the printer's LCD mini- monitor
output to a normal monitor, any ideas?



Yes Bob, you would use it the same as a hard drive. When you say you don't
install all the software that comes with the printer there is no option for
the usb as it's an integral part of the driver install. I understand when
you say mini moniter you speak of the one that gives the settings for the
printer and not the optional extra moniter which if I remember right comes
as an extra, To carry out what you wish to do to the statis monitor I would
think you would have to remove the case or at least the top half, quite an
undertaking when all the info is already on the screen.

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