WinXP Pro - 4 modem Satellite system
Please describe this hardware a bit more.
Need to find a way to configure the PC either through services or ? on
how to auto-initiate
Define "auto initiate". What EXACTLY is the requirement of
what it is/is-not, doing, including power states, etc.
the four channel modem connection at POWER ON
This begs the obvious question, if you're going to have to
turn on the system, why not leave the modem off and turn it
on simultaneously? If you have some remote method of
turning the system on, one rather basic hardware solution
would be a relay through which the modem(s) is powered, that
relay triggered on by the system power state. For example
via USB plug if USB is not 5VSB (jumper to 5V mode on the
motherboard) or a connect to the PSU 4 pig plug(s) for 5V or
12V as required to energize the relay.
This is equipment that they don't want it being logged in to locally
or on a domain - just running the services to get this online.
It might help to more thoroughly describe the situation in
real hardware terms rather than logical
software/logged/domain/etc, terms. Tell us about what state
change of the system will coincide with what state change of
the modem... and what this modem is capable of by software
commands or if simply having it remain powered off and then
on with the system would suffice.
Why are you presuming a service is useful? Is it that you
are just assuming a service because it would be something
starting when windows finishes booting?
If it is only a matter of access, why not just configure the
modem in it's control panel (Or put a router/firewall in
front of it) to restrict access as would usually be done if
the intended result is access limitation?
There might be several ways to get the job done, which is
best might depend on more specifics of the requirement,
budget, accessibility to the system or modem if there is a
need to limit access to the hardware as well - if there is a
possiblity someone physically present on-site would be
trying to use it and you want to prevent that.