You are collecting your mail via POP3 via both Outlook and your BlackBerry?
Then you must configure both Outlook and your BlackBerry to leave a copy on
the server for x days so that you have x days to download the mails in both
In Outlook 2003 you can configure this via;
Tools-> Account Settings-> Next-> select your POP3 account-> Change-> More
Settings...-> tab Advanced
Thank you for responding to my problem! I have done this numerous times and it does not work. What happens is it does not leave a message on the server (perhaps it does for a few seconds) so my Blackberry does not pick it up. Outlook sends me the original message to my inbox on Outlook and then sends me a duplicate that it evidently picked up from the server so I end up receiving two sompies of every message in my inbox of Outlook. IL've tried checking the box that says leave it until it is deleted and tried the other box where I can indicate the number of days to leave it on the server but it never leaves it on the server but sends me two copies of everything. Please feel free to offer additional suggestions because I need to get this to work properly. I'm wondering if the same thing would occur in Outlook 2007. I really can't afford to purchase 2007 right now but I'd hate to save my money and buy it in the future if this same thing will happen with it. Thanks again for