How to colntrol location of category X axis labels on a bar chart?
usually data have only positive values, category X axis labels are in the
left side of vertical axis (see labelsOK.jpg). When values are all negative,
labels are crossing bars (see labels03.jpg). Basically labels are always to
the left from vertical axis (see labels01.jpg and labels02.jpg) which is not
always visually appealing. Is there a way to have labels for case when data
are all negative, located to the right from the axis and axis itself indented
from chart border, so it will be a mirror image of labelsOK.jpg (see
labelsOKmirror.jpg, but of course text and digits should not be mirrored!).
I do not see how to upload images, would happy to email them to whoever will
be kind enough to ask ([email protected])
for now I put them on a website
Thank you!
usually data have only positive values, category X axis labels are in the
left side of vertical axis (see labelsOK.jpg). When values are all negative,
labels are crossing bars (see labels03.jpg). Basically labels are always to
the left from vertical axis (see labels01.jpg and labels02.jpg) which is not
always visually appealing. Is there a way to have labels for case when data
are all negative, located to the right from the axis and axis itself indented
from chart border, so it will be a mirror image of labelsOK.jpg (see
labelsOKmirror.jpg, but of course text and digits should not be mirrored!).
I do not see how to upload images, would happy to email them to whoever will
be kind enough to ask ([email protected])
for now I put them on a website
Thank you!