How to code report to automatically zoom to 125%

  • Thread starter Thread starter fhsmith7
  • Start date Start date


I use access 2002.

When opening a report, I want it to automatically zoom to 125%. When
closing to minimize. I have tried serveral things without success.

Any assistance is greatly appreceiated.
I use access 2002.

When opening a report, I want it to automatically zoom to 125%. When
closing to minimize. I have tried serveral things without success.

Any assistance is greatly appreceiated.

I paste an old function found on the web (with credits):

Sub PreviewAndZoomReport(ReportName As String, ZoomCoeff As Integer)
'function written by Radu Lascae <[email protected]>,
'use it at will standard disclaimer applies
'Instead of using DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoom150, or another built-in
'constant, you may use the ZoomControl property of the Report object.
'Use with care! The property is not documented anywhere.
'I have found it in a code snippet from a VB5 book.
'ZoomControl is a Variant that accepts virtually everything
'that can be converted to a number, positive, negative, small or large.
'The property behaves nicely if "normal" numbers are passed.
'This function allows an integer from 0 = ZoomToFit to 2500(%).
'If the value is out of range, the function uses ZoomToFit.
'The highest readable zoom I could achieve is about 2900(%) (!!!), this
'depends on the minimum scrollbar increment.
'The property is available for any open report that has the focus,
'irrespective if the toolbar is visible or not.

'Call PreviewAndZoomReport("MyReportName", 125)

On Error GoTo Error_Handler

If Not (ZoomCoeff >= 0 And ZoomCoeff <= 2500) Then
ZoomCoeff = 0
End If

With DoCmd
.OpenReport ReportName, View:=acViewPreview
End With
Reports(ReportName).ZoomControl = ZoomCoeff

Exit Sub
MsgBox err.Description
Resume Next
End Sub
I paste an old function found on the web (with credits):

Sub PreviewAndZoomReport(ReportName As String, ZoomCoeff As Integer)
    'function written by Radu Lascae <[email protected]>,
    'use it at will standard disclaimer applies
    'Instead of using DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoom150, or another built-in
    'constant, you may use the ZoomControl property of the Report object.
    'Use with care! The property is not documented anywhere.
    'I have found it in a code snippet from a VB5 book.
    'ZoomControl is a Variant that accepts virtually everything
    'that can be converted to a number, positive, negative, small or large.
    'The property behaves nicely if "normal" numbers are passed.
    'This function allows an integer from 0 = ZoomToFit to 2500(%).
    'If the value is out of range, the function uses ZoomToFit.
    'The highest readable zoom I could achieve is about 2900(%) (!!!), this
    'depends on the minimum scrollbar increment.
    'The property is available for any open report that has the focus,
    'irrespective if the toolbar is visible or not.

    'Call PreviewAndZoomReport("MyReportName", 125)

    On Error GoTo Error_Handler

    If Not (ZoomCoeff >= 0 And ZoomCoeff <= 2500) Then
        ZoomCoeff = 0
    End If

    With DoCmd
        .OpenReport ReportName, View:=acViewPreview
    End With
    Reports(ReportName).ZoomControl = ZoomCoeff

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox err.Description
    Resume Next
End Sub

Thanks Silivo

When using above code, I get error message from debugger - "invalid
reference to the property zoom control." How do I resolve this? Any
comments are most welcomed.
Sub PreviewAndZoomReport(ReportName As String, ZoomCoeff As Integer)

When using above code, I get error message from debugger - "invalid
reference to the property zoom control." How do I resolve this? Any
comments are most welcomed.

I'm sorry: works fine to me without any error.

I'm using Access 2003 sp3.


I'm sorry: works fine to me without any error.

I'm using Access 2003 sp3.



Hey Silvio;
I was using the report "on open" option to place code. Went to command
button and put the code in. It worked. However, I have two reports -
ie. main and catagory. The code opens both together. How to I allow
for just one report to open at a time? See code:

Function aadPreviewReport(frm As Form)
On Error GoTo Err_SmartFormError

Dim strReportName As String, strSQL As String
strSQL = "[" & stFormDataSource & "].[" & stFilterField & "] =
Forms.[" & frm.Name & "].cmbFilterValue"

If IsNull(frm.cmbReports.Value) Or frm.cmbReports.Value = "" Then
Exit Function
strReportName = frm.cmbReports
End If

If frm.tglFilter = True Then
DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , strSQL

End If

Dim ZoomCoeff As Integer

If Not (ZoomCoeff >= 0 And ZoomCoeff <= 2500) Then
ZoomCoeff = 0
End If

With DoCmd

.OpenReport "catagory", View:=acViewPreview

End With

Reports("catagory").ZoomControl = 125

If Not (ZoomCoeff >= 0 And ZoomCoeff <= 2500) Then
ZoomCoeff = 0
End If

If Not (ZoomCoeff >= 0 And ZoomCoeff <= 2500) Then
ZoomCoeff = 0
End If

With DoCmd

.OpenReport "main", View:=acViewPreview

End With

Reports("main").ZoomControl = 125


Exit Function

If Err = conErrCommandNotAvailable Or Err =
conErrUserCancelledOperation Then
Resume Next
Call ErrorHandler(Err)
End If

Resume Exit_SmartFormError

End Function

Once again, thanks for you assistance.