Peter Jensen
X-No-Archive: Yes
I've tried various combinations with start, cmd and command, but no
luck. Exit does nothing. How can I get the command window to close
automatically after starting a Windows app with a batch file?
@echo off
echo. test> c:\test1.tmp
copy /y c:\test1.tmp c:\test2.tmp
type c:\test2.tmp
del c:\test?.tmp
"C:\Programs\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"
I've tried various combinations with start, cmd and command, but no
luck. Exit does nothing. How can I get the command window to close
automatically after starting a Windows app with a batch file?
@echo off
echo. test> c:\test1.tmp
copy /y c:\test1.tmp c:\test2.tmp
type c:\test2.tmp
del c:\test?.tmp
"C:\Programs\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"