sven preuske
Hi there!
with much help of this forum i got the following macro running:
Public Sub SchalteKalender()
Set objnameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objRoomA = objnameSpace.CreateRecipient("Foreign Name")
Set objRoomACalendar =
objnameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(objRoomA, olFolderCalendar)
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = objRoomACalendar
Set objRoomATasks = Nothing
Set objRoomACalendar = Nothing
Set objRoomA = Nothing
End Sub
It opens a foreign calender and shows it. now my problem is: i dont
want to see my own calender/tasks. how can i just sho a specific
calender and its tasks and leave all other at that moment showed ones
with much help of this forum i got the following macro running:
Public Sub SchalteKalender()
Set objnameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objRoomA = objnameSpace.CreateRecipient("Foreign Name")
Set objRoomACalendar =
objnameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(objRoomA, olFolderCalendar)
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = objRoomACalendar
Set objRoomATasks = Nothing
Set objRoomACalendar = Nothing
Set objRoomA = Nothing
End Sub
It opens a foreign calender and shows it. now my problem is: i dont
want to see my own calender/tasks. how can i just sho a specific
calender and its tasks and leave all other at that moment showed ones