What I'd like to do, is very similar.... What I need to do is...
I have a range of cells (On two different columns,) that all reference the
cell above them, and sum,1 with the exception of one cell... the top, which
references a numerical list starting at the beginning of IT's range... Now
the thing I have it do now is simply fill the area I have with the numerical
sequence. What I'd like to do, is have the cells reference another cell... m1
technically, and have that be the terminus. Like... Say I have a range of
360-475, currently my spreadsheet will number the rows starting at 360 and
going til I've run out of room in the spreadsheet (Obviously I didn't keep
entering the formula of =SUM(Cell_Prior,1) (I wish I could use "Cell_Prior"
as a command... That would be awesome... Anyway...)
So If I do have the 475 as a terminus, I'm trying to find a way to make it
so there's a generic formula that I don't have to modify to be tailored to
each cell, that I can just toss into their formulae. Something like...
=IF(SUM>M1, " ")
But I'm not sure how to word the argument, exactly. And there's another one
I kinda need to do... I don't suppose there is an easy way to tell a cell to
reference the cell directly to it's right? And then say =IF(CELL_TO_RIGHT=, "
" , " ") Because I also have a cell next to the numerical cells that have a
three letter system to depict which group the range of numbers belongs to.
And I would like to blank it out too.