My sceanrio is this on an asp.net 2.0 freamework.
I want to use any of the data controls e.g Gridview,DetailView etc..
But i want some buttons e.g update,edit save etc to be enable or disabled
based on if they belong to some security groups in active
I'm looking for the best options for this because i want to store those
security groups somewhere and then check for the
user against those security groups for their authorisation when they lunch
the application.
Preferably i would like to store them in an xml file and then write an API
to change, modify or add active directory security groups.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I want to use any of the data controls e.g Gridview,DetailView etc..
But i want some buttons e.g update,edit save etc to be enable or disabled
based on if they belong to some security groups in active
I'm looking for the best options for this because i want to store those
security groups somewhere and then check for the
user against those security groups for their authorisation when they lunch
the application.
Preferably i would like to store them in an xml file and then write an API
to change, modify or add active directory security groups.
Any ideas would be appreciated.