How to check if sproc has finished

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert
  • Start date Start date


I have an Access 2007 ADP database using SQL Server 2008 Express and I need
to run several queries in succession. I am using code such as

Docmd.RunSQL "Exec sproc1 @p1, @p2 etc....
Docmd.RunSQL "Exec sproc2 @p1, @p2 etc....

I need to have some way to test if the first one has finished before the
second one starts. How can I do this?
I would use ADO with an output param to get results.
If you opt not to do that then why not have one stored proc that
executes the others....

Create Proc sproc_Main
@p1 int --(or whatever),
@p2 int --(or whatever)
exec dbo.sproc1 @p1, @p2 etc....
exec dbo.sproc2 @p1, @p2 etc....

I would use ADO with an output param to get results.
If you opt not to do that then why not have one stored proc that
executes the others.... ADO? How would I use ADO?

Create Proc sproc_Main
@p1 int --(or whatever),
@p2 int --(or whatever)
exec dbo.sproc1 @p1, @p2 etc....
exec dbo.sproc2 @p1, @p2 etc....

ADO? How would I use ADO?
here is an example...

Dim oCmd As Command, param As Parameter
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection, sqlString As String

sqlString = "NewJobSites_CheckCount" 'PROC:
Set oCmd = New ADODB.Command
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set oCmd.ActiveConnection = cn
oCmd.CommandText = sqlString
oCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
oCmd.CommandTimeout = 15

Set param = New ADODB.Parameter
param.Type = adInteger
param.Direction = adParamOutput
param.Name = "cnt" 'RETURN: Authenticated Flag
oCmd.Parameters.Append param

Me.JobCount = oCmd.Parameters("cnt")
oCmd.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords

Set cn = Nothing
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Thanks. So if an sproc calls 2 other sprocs the second one doesn't start
until the first one has finished?
Robert said:
I have an Access 2007 ADP database using SQL Server 2008 Express and I
to run several queries in succession. I am using code such as

Docmd.RunSQL "Exec sproc1 @p1, @p2 etc....
Docmd.RunSQL "Exec sproc2 @p1, @p2 etc....

I need to have some way to test if the first one has finished before the
second one starts. How can I do this?
Robert said:
I have an Access 2007 ADP database using SQL Server 2008 Express and I
to run several queries in succession. I am using code such as

Docmd.RunSQL "Exec sproc1 @p1, @p2 etc....
Docmd.RunSQL "Exec sproc2 @p1, @p2 etc....

I need to have some way to test if the first one has finished before the
second one starts. How can I do this?