How can I change Microsoft Windows 2000 welcome screen? I
mean when I boot my computer and when I get to
Alt+Ctrl+Delete screen. Here is what hapened. I was
surfing internet and I tried to copy photo by right
clikcing on it and tried to save on desktop. Somehow,
after doing that it did not do anything but the next time,
I boot my laptop, that photo poped up right on my windows
2000 welcome screen. I don't know how to get rid of that
picture. Any one knows, how to get rid of this picture?
mean when I boot my computer and when I get to
Alt+Ctrl+Delete screen. Here is what hapened. I was
surfing internet and I tried to copy photo by right
clikcing on it and tried to save on desktop. Somehow,
after doing that it did not do anything but the next time,
I boot my laptop, that photo poped up right on my windows
2000 welcome screen. I don't know how to get rid of that
picture. Any one knows, how to get rid of this picture?