How to change the sequence of the Nested DataRelation XML elements/attributes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thu
  • Start date Start date


I create a Dataset to link three tables in my Access
database. E.g. The three tables are [Order], [Customer],
[Product]. I then create 2 DataRelations, 1st relation
(Order_Cust_Rel) links [Order] and [Customer] using
CustomerID field that exists in both tables and 2nd
relation (Order_Product_Rel) links [Order] and [Product]
using ProductID field. I set the nested property of the
relations to True so that the output will be nested. I
then use WriteXML to output the dataset to a StreamWriter.

Please see the code below:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO

Private Sub WriteXMLToFile()

Dim conn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection
("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Dim OrderDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
("SELECT * FROM [Order]", conn)
Dim CustomerDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New
OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Customer]", conn)
Dim ProductDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New
OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Product]", conn)
Dim DS As DataSet = New DataSet("SalesOrder")

OrderDA.Fill(DS, "Order")
CustomerDA.Fill(DS, "Customer")
ProductDA.Fill(DS, "Product")

Dim Order_Cust_Rel As DataRelation =
DS.Relations.Add("OrderCust", DS.Tables("Order").Columns
("CustomerID"), DS.Tables("Customer").Columns
Order_Cust_Rel.Nested = True

Dim Order_Product_Rel As DataRelation =
DS.Relations.Add("OrderProduct", DS.Tables
("Order").Columns("ProductID"), DS.Tables
Order_Product_Rel.Nested = True

Dim filename As String = "c:\XmlFile.xml"

Dim xmlSW As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter
(filename, True)


End Sub

By default, the three tables data will be output one
after another, that is [Order], follow by [Customer],
follow by [Product]. As below:

<Name>CreaInnov Inc.</Name>
<ProductName>Secure Email Gateway</ProductName>

However, I need the [Customer] and [Product] tables to
appear in the middle of [Order] table. I.e. When [Order]
table links with [Customer] table using CustomerID, I
need the Customer table fields appear right after the
CustomerID field, and so for Product table. I also need
to hide those linking fields, i.e. CustomerID,
ProductID . I have to follow this format as this is
required by the vendor.

<Name>CreaInnov Inc.</Name>
<ProductName>Secure Email Gateway</ProductName>

Can anyone let me know how to achieve this? Do I use XSD
schema or Mapping machanism to do this, or ?? Please
help.. thanks.
Hi Thu,

This is typical a question for the

public.dotnet.framework.ADO.NET newsgroup.

I think they will give you one select statement but I am not sure of it, I
would try it there also.
