This code for a single form works
Forms("PLANNING_PO_SF").Section(acHeader).BackColor = vbBlue
whats the code ,when I want to change the color of the acheader in a subform ?
I try this code ,but it didn't works
Set frm = Application.Forms("PLANNING_ONDERHOUD_OVERZICHT")
With frm
.Controls("Planning_PO_SF").Section(acHeader).BackColor =vbBlue
End With
Forms("PLANNING_PO_SF").Section(acHeader).BackColor = vbBlue
whats the code ,when I want to change the color of the acheader in a subform ?
I try this code ,but it didn't works
Set frm = Application.Forms("PLANNING_ONDERHOUD_OVERZICHT")
With frm
.Controls("Planning_PO_SF").Section(acHeader).BackColor =vbBlue
End With