In Access 2002 use the Printer Object
Access97 (Also works in Access 2002) use PrtDevNames
Careful with the Line Wraps
' Author: Jose Hernandez
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Type PrtDevNameStr 'See PrtDevNames property in Help
RGB As String * 104
End Type
Type PrtDevModeStr 'See PrtDevMode property in Help
RGB As String * 68
End Type
Type udtAccPrinterDEV 'Printer info from Reports
Source As String
DevName As PrtDevNameStr
DevMode As PrtDevModeStr
End Type
Private Function GetPrinterInfoEX(ByVal strSrc As String) As
On Error GoTo Proc_Error
'PURPOSE: Get DevNames & DevMode for access report
'strSrc = name of report with the printer settings.
DoCmd.OpenReport strSrc, acDesign 'Open color settings report
With GetPrinterInfoEX
.DevName.RGB = Reports(strSrc).PrtDevNames 'Get DevNames Structure
.DevMode.RGB = Reports(strSrc).PrtDevMode 'Get DevNames Structure
.Source = strSrc
End With
DoCmd.Close acReport, strSrc, acSaveNo
If IsReportLoaded(strSrc) = True Then DoCmd.Close acReport, strSrc,
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Proc_Exit
End Function
Function IsReportLoaded(ByVal strReport As String) As Integer
' Returns True if the specified report is loaded.
IsReportLoaded = CBool(SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acReport,
strReport) <> 0)
End Function
Function Print2AnyPrinter(strReport As String, strFilter As String,
strPrinterSettings As String) As Long
On Error GoTo Proc_Error
'Returns: 0 = Success!
'strReport = Report you want to print
'strFilter = Your Filter If you do not have one then pass "" as the value
'strPrinterSettings = The Report that has the printer settings! (Create a
new report and Set its Default Printer.)
'ISSUES: The reports MUST be opened in Design View on order to set the
Dim udtPrinterDEV As udtAccPrinterDEV
Dim lngRetVal As Long
udtPrinterDEV = GetPrinterInfoEX(strPrinterSettings)
DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewDesign
Reports(strReport).PrtDevNames = udtPrinterDEV.DevName.RGB
If Len(strFilter & "") > 0 Then
Reports(strReport).FilterOn = True
Reports(strReport).Filter = strFilter
End If
DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview
DoCmd.PrintOut acPrintAll 'Print Report
If IsReportLoaded(strReport) = True Then DoCmd.Close acReport,
strReport, acSaveNo
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Print2AnyPrinter = Err.Number
Resume Proc_Exit
End Function