how to change folder view to list?

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does anyone know how to change the settings so that when
any folder is opened the default is list, rather than
icon? Simple question, but this has been driving me nuts
for years.



does anyone know how to change the settings so that when
any folder is opened the default is list, rather than
icon? Simple question, but this has been driving me nuts
for years.

Referring only to Windows 2000 and above, since it's been a long time since
I've had my hands on NT4:
Open a folder and arrange it the way you want it, including the colmuns and
column widths.
Tools -> Folder Options -> View.
Ensure that:
Remember each folder's view settings
is checked, then click:
Apply to All Folders,
Answer yes to the resulting question.

Philip D. Barila Windows DDK MVP
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
E-mail address is pointed at a domain squatter. Use reply-to instead.
-----Original Message-----

does anyone know how to change the settings so that when
any folder is opened the default is list, rather than
icon? Simple question, but this has been driving me nuts
for years.


Sure mike Just click on my Computer and way at the end of
your toolbar at the top on the very end you will see a
Square type icon click on that and it will give you the
options you want list is one of them.
hope that helps Robert.
First, open one of your folder, any folder will be fine.
Then you need to set it to be viewed as a list, rather
than an icon. After that go to "tools >> folder option",
choose "view" tab, inside it you will find a button that
said "Like Current Folder". Click it, it means all the
folders will be viewed with the same format as the current
folder. This is all based on windows 2000...
