Well, well, copy paste the following script
name it 'resolution.bat' and after FBA
evoke it with
resolution.bat 800 600 75
paye atention to line wrap of my mail sender
the script will set the resolution to arg1, arg2, and refresh rate
to arg3
if the video driver is included, the script will set the proper
resolution to the actual video driver, it the video driver is
NOT included, the script will set the resolution to the default
video driver (vgasave if you prefer)
caveat: the color depth may be 8 bit only when no video driver
tips, you can evoke it in the phase 8498, then it will configure
the vgasave (default video), if you evoke it after FBA and video
driver installed, then it will configure actual video driver.
Que demander de plus ?
: set screen resolution to $1x$2
if /I "%3" == "" (
set VRR=75
) else (
set VRR=%3
set HKCCKey=HKCC\System\CurrentControlSet
for /F "tokens=7* delims=\" %%A in ('reg query "%RegKey%" ^| findstr /I
"video0"') do (
reg add "%HKCCKey%\%%B" /v DefaultSettings.XResolution /t REG_DWORD
/d %1 /f >nul
reg add "%HKCCKey%\%%B" /v DefaultSettings.YResolution /t REG_DWORD
/d %2 /f >nul
reg add "%HKCCKey%\%%B" /v DefaultSettings.VRefresh /t REG_DWORD /d
%VRR% /f >nul
reg add "%HKCCKey%\%%B\Mon80861100" /v DefaultSettings.XResolution /t
REG_DWORD /d %1 /f >NUL
reg add "%HKCCKey%\%%B\Mon80861100" /v DefaultSettings.YResolution /t
REG_DWORD /d %2 /f >NUL
reg add "%HKCCKey%\%%B\Mon80861100" /v DefaultSettings.VRefresh /t