How to change cursor.

May 31, 2019
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Hi my laptop cursor for general surfing etc is fine, but the cursor for typing emails in Thunderbird or for writing a document in Libre Office appears to be a rather cumbersome looking version of what I get normally on my PC. A big 'chunky' version which I hate.
Can anyone tell me how I can change this, to the straightforward simple flashing vertical line I'm used to on my PC?

Thanks Evan. Unfortunately my version of Windows 10 doesn't give me the pages as detailed in your link.
The general cursor, small arrow pointing NW, is absolutely fine, it's when you move the cursor into an area where you need to type that the offending large cursor appears. It's similar to the simple flashing vertical line I normally get on my main PC, but it's much bigger, bolder and bulkier. Quite cumberson. My PC and laptop are both Dell so no manufaturer difference either.
Try Settings > Ease of Access > Text Cursor where you can do various things with the cursor like making it smaller and thinner.
Is yours not like this?


I assumed all Windows 10 settings would be the same.
Then, when you click on Text Cursor you will get this.


..... which allow you change the height and thickness of the cursor.
I was looking on my PC thinking it would be the same as on my laptop.
No my PC doesn't have the Text Cursor option as well as some of the other options and now I've looked at my laptop, neither does that.
It only has Cursor and Pointer and 'Change cursor thickness' is on zero.
Still baffled the cursor's norma in some places and large in others
I've just noticed that if I single click on Ease of Access I get the section which includes Text Cursor but if I double click on it I get System !!!! This seems very bizarre but that's what has happened. :blush:
Just checked on my laptop which is also on Windows 10 and, like you, I find that it is different to my PC. I can change the thickness but not the height of the cursor. It's weird that they are different when they are both on Win10 with the latest updates.

Maybe someone who is more tech savvy can answer this. :)
Phew! Glad it's not just me. I'll have to put up with it until someone comes up with a bright idea.
I don't like it though. Thanks
