I see that you are the one who knows what most programmers even actually
I don't claim to be able to read anybodys mind, but I DO see that your reply
to the OP is not in any way an answer to what he wants to know - just an
irrelevant comment
I would not be busy in that case in a newsgroup.
As far as I know you're busy in the newsgroup because you're paid to be so,
You can become rich man, there is for you no need to lurk a newsgroup, you
know it already.
What is your definition of lurk? I post a lot in this newsgroup, both
questions and responses to other peoples questions. And may I say - for the
record - that the times I have posted a question in this newsgroup and
gotten a response from you, it has always been the same kind of response you
give this OP: No help at all, just commenting on something entiry
irrelevant - AND doing so with an unpleasant attitude at that!
But I don't know that, the only thing I know is that it is good for you to
visit an optician, what you were answering was already in the message of
the OP so I only added to that, so probably you need glasses.
I find it even brute to give to somebody my code style while he shows a
good one.
The OP showed that he was using this, why should he do it your way?
He does not even to import threading for that.
So what? - At least I was trying to help by trying to provide an answer that
could actually help solve the problem. I guess in order to get any help from
you, the first thing a person has to do is convince you it's actually what
he wants to do, because you seem to think every programming question is
either stupid or unnecessary.
But I think it is better now that you answer to his question to you, I am
very curious for your answer.
You're acting like a spoiled child Cor, but I had expected no less. Why
don't you instead have a look at the answer you posted and ask yourself:
"Was this answer of ANY help to the OP at all? Did it in any way help him
solve his problem?" Can you truthfully say yes to that?
Any way - why do I bother?
/Johnny J.