How to change an image?


Miguel Dias Moura


i know how to hide a table according to a condition:
<table runat="server" visible='<%# dataSetBibliotecas.FieldValue("Titulo",
Container) <> "" %>'...

Now I am trying to change the image file as follows:
- Show the image "yes.gif" if the value of a dynamic field is equal to
- Show the image "no.gif" if the value of a dynamic field is equal to "NO".

Do you think this is possible? Can you help me out?

Thank You,

Cor Ligthert

Hi Miguel.

You multipost in a lot of groups and does not follow up the previous
messages, do you want to be so kind to crosspost next time, than we can see
what where the answers in the other groups.

crossposting sending one message to more newsgroups with a comma to seperate



Miguel Dias Moura


when i cross post is not with the rude intention.

I use 4 foruns:

The reason is simple: when i make a question in only one of these foruns i
allways get an answer but it doesn't mean that is the best solution
So when i post in the 4 foruns i allways get different aproaches which helps
me much more.
Not everybody goes to all these 4 foruns so this way i allways get different
answers and ideas from people working in different ways.

Anyway, i will do as you asked me and post all the messages with the same
post so people as you that visit them all can check it out.

Thank You,

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