Armin Zingler
Dean Slindee said:I need to interate thru the menu items under a
ToolStripDropDownButton. Some of them are ToolStripMenuItems and
some are ToolStripSeparators. I want to deal only with the
ToolStripMenuItems, so am using Control in order to interate thru
the collection. However, when I do that, I cannot cast Control to a
ToolStripMenuItem. I need to use the
.DropDownItems.Add(menuItem) in order to add new dynamic menu items.
Here is the code:
Public Shared Sub DynamicMenuStripItemBuilder(ByRef frm As Form, _
ByRef btn As
ToolStripDropDownButton, _
ByRef ds As DataSet,
_ ByVal UserID As
String) For Each ctl In btn.DropDownItems
If ctl.GetType() Is Type.GetType("ToolStripMenuItem")
Then Dim mni As ToolStripMenuItem
mni = CType(ctl, ToolStripMenuItem) (SYNTAX ERROR)
Dim menuItem As New
ToolStripMenuItem(dr.Item("URLName").ToString, Nothing, New
EventHandler(AddressOf DynamicMenuStripItemHandler))
End If
Which VB version? If not 2008, you should enable Option Strict.
The items in btn.DropDownItems are of type ToolStripItem, not of type
=> For Each ctl As ToolStripItem In btn.DropDownItems
To check the type, use "TypeOf":
If TypeOf ctl Is ToolStripMenuItem Then
Dim mni As ToolStripMenuItem = DirectCast(ctl, ToolStripMenuItem)
Dim menuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem(...)
End If
VB 2008+Option Infer On:
Dim mni = TryCast(ctl, ToolStripMenuItem)
If mni IsNot Nothing Then
Dim menuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem(...)
End If
BTW, change ByRef to ByVal with 'frm' and 'btn' unless you want to assign a
new Form or ToolStripDropDownButton to these arguments.