Ken Halter said:
dotNET.... note the word "NET" in there. Designed with the InterNET in mind,
Ok I see. dotNET -> NET -> interNET -> Web. Seems to me your reaching a
bit there.
You know... it takes forever to load, forever to update the screen, etc,
None of the above is actually true. I can believe that .NET is somewhat
slower than a comparable VB6 app. I doubt that makes a real difference on
modern and future hardware but I could be wrong.
Just as the "IE browser is good as an application UI" juggernaut (which may
have true in some cases) meant that users are being saddled with
sub-standard UIs in the name progress the same could be happening here. You
could be right but you'll lose anyway.
A well written C++ standalone app will beat VB6 app. I can remember when
compilied VB5 came along and heard this same sort of argument then between
C++ and VB devs. It's all daft.
Don't get me wrong I like VB6 and still use it more than C#. Being familiar
with the Win API I don't see there being a compelling commercial reason to
switch. However, daft sweeping statements like the couple above don't
really help any "VB6 is better than .NET argument", which IMO is a silly
thing to argue about anyway.
...and, where you can nearly right click and say "View Source" and it gives
you the source for the entire app (with the help of any cheap debugger, that
is).. no matter how much you spend on an obfuscator, something that VB6 or
any other fully compiled language doesn't need at all, there are companies
like the one below...
Yes it's possible to get some semblance of source code from disassembly but
unless you've written some hardcore algorithm which gives you a competative
advantage it's doubtful that even unobfuscated disassembly is of really much
use to anyone and very doubtful that it can hurt you where it counts, in the