GS said:
it is just that in my combobox, control-c , control-v, control-x are
ignored, the Shift-delete... etc are ignored
Strange problem... When I use the KeyUp-Event of a ComboBox and react
to [Return], other keys aren't affected - Everything works fine?!?
I'm sure that you don't have to react to other keys within the event -
When you just do something when pressing [Return], the functionality
ofother keys won't be deleted, so this is not the problem.
Do you catch [Ctrl]-X or [Shift]-X somewhere else in your code?
Can you write text into the ComboBox or are the other keys ignored,
Is it possible that the code within your KeyUp-Event has something to
do with this problem?
Does this problem appear with other controls (Or in another
Does the problem appear when using simple test-code within the
KeyUp-Event (e.g. just showing a MessageBox)?
Does the problem appear when working on a different system?
Stupid questions, I know. But I don't have any idea why this happens -
So it might be a good idea to get a little closer to the source of the
problem \ to the root of all evil ;-)