Is there an easy way to capture the icon for a given web site?
I visit certain websites regularly. I've set up quick launch shortcuts for
them with either a generic IE 7 or an ugly nondescript icon. But I'd like
to use a specific icon for the site. Certain websites have produced
proprietary icons, many of which are available through Favorg. I'm
wondering if there's a way to "hijack" the icon for a site while viewing it
in IE7 (assuming such an icon exists).
I visit certain websites regularly. I've set up quick launch shortcuts for
them with either a generic IE 7 or an ugly nondescript icon. But I'd like
to use a specific icon for the site. Certain websites have produced
proprietary icons, many of which are available through Favorg. I'm
wondering if there's a way to "hijack" the icon for a site while viewing it
in IE7 (assuming such an icon exists).