How to capture an icon

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Is there an easy way to capture the icon for a given web site?

I visit certain websites regularly. I've set up quick launch shortcuts for
them with either a generic IE 7 or an ugly nondescript icon. But I'd like
to use a specific icon for the site. Certain websites have produced
proprietary icons, many of which are available through Favorg. I'm
wondering if there's a way to "hijack" the icon for a site while viewing it
in IE7 (assuming such an icon exists).
Did you leave out any newsgroups? Not really an Outlook Express question.

You can grab a Favorite from your list and drag it to the Quick Launch
Toolbar. An icon will appear, but not perhaps what you want. You can right
click on the Icon | Properties | Change Icon, but you will only have the
choices that are available.
PT said:
Is there an easy way to capture the icon for a given web site?

I visit certain websites regularly. I've set up quick launch shortcuts for them
with either a generic IE 7 or an ugly nondescript icon. But I'd like to use a
specific icon for the site. Certain websites have produced proprietary icons, many
of which are available through Favorg. I'm wondering if there's a way to "hijack"
the icon for a site while viewing it in IE7 (assuming such an icon exists).

If the site contains its own embedded favicon, then a simple right click of the icon
on the address bar & drag to the Quicklaunch Bar-then "create shortcuts here", will
use that particular icon(example-the Y! on Yahoo!)
You can also create a "favicons" folder somewhere, such as in My Documents for
*storing* the collection of embedded icons & check your temporary internet files(view
files) & *copy* them, 1 at a time,though, into that favicons folder. You will have to
rename them as you add them there, as 99% of them will be labeled *favicon.ico* & it
will be constantly asking for overwrite confirmations-just be sure to rename the
favicon portion of the name, leaving the .ico extension. Then, whenever a site uses
the generic "E" icon, you can right click/properties/change icon & "browse" to your
favicons folder to pick a more suitable icon for that shortcut.
I know that this is a crude way of achieving what you're wanting, but you'll find
some interesting favicons to "hijack" & you may have fun in the process.
There's a freeware program called "Icons Extract" that searches your system files for
icons to add to your "collection".

Open "Temporary Internet Files", after visiting the websites you want icons
Copy a "Favicon" to, say, My Documents folder.
Go to My Documents. Rename the *.ico. [ i.e. - to it's site-name, or a
Right click the quick launch icon and choose "Properties".
Click the "Change Icon..." button at the bottom of the Shortcut tab.
Click the "Browse..." button; browse to My Documents.
Select your icon. {OK. Apply. OK}
Repeat for each shortcut.
Good tip Gary, Thx.

Gary Brandenburg said:
If the site contains its own embedded favicon, then a simple right click
of the icon on the address bar & drag to the Quicklaunch Bar-then "create
shortcuts here", will use that particular icon(example-the Y! on Yahoo!)
You can also create a "favicons" folder somewhere, such as in My
Documents for *storing* the collection of embedded icons & check your
temporary internet files(view files) & *copy* them, 1 at a time,though,
into that favicons folder. You will have to rename them as you add them
there, as 99% of them will be labeled *favicon.ico* & it will be
constantly asking for overwrite confirmations-just be sure to rename the
favicon portion of the name, leaving the .ico extension. Then, whenever a
site uses the generic "E" icon, you can right click/properties/change icon
& "browse" to your favicons folder to pick a more suitable icon for that
I know that this is a crude way of achieving what you're wanting, but
you'll find some interesting favicons to "hijack" & you may have fun in
the process.
There's a freeware program called "Icons Extract" that searches your
system files for icons to add to your "collection".

You're welcome "rob^_^"
I guess I'm a bit of an icon obsessive-
I have gone so far as to replace *all* of my icons on my start menu (I know that
there is a download that will do this), as well as all the icons in my program files
too, with their own icons.
It takes a lot of "change icon/browse/OK" but I can identify the program much easier
with a visual marker, without even having to read the file name.It also makes for a
different looking start menu, instead of 3 rows identical *generic* markers.
