How to cancel?




In my form I input a value and AfterUpdate checks the value and looks
that the value is wrong. How can I cancel this input automatically,
because my table does not accept null-value into that field, what I am
trying to input?


John W. Vinson


In my form I input a value and AfterUpdate checks the value and looks
that the value is wrong. How can I cancel this input automatically,
because my table does not accept null-value into that field, what I am
trying to input?


You can't, in the AfterUpdate event - it's too late, since it fires AFTER the
update has already been done. Use the BeforeUpdate event instead, and set its
Cancel argument to True to cancel the update.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


You can't, in the AfterUpdate event - it's too late, since it fires AFTER the
update has already been done. Use the BeforeUpdate event instead, and set its
Cancel argument to True to cancel the update.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


My code is:

Private Sub datethis_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.code = "-Select-" Then
MsgBox ("Select first the code!!")
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

It gives me the msgbox text but it does not allow me to goto to the
code-box to change the code! It will never let me go out of the
datethis box, because in the code box is text -Select-.

What I am trying to do is this:
If the code is not selected and you try to input a date, it would tell
me that the code is not selected and it would go to the code-box and
it would empty the datethis box.

Hope you understand....



You misunderstood what John said. Your code should look like this:

Private Sub datethis_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
With Me
If .code = "-Select-" Then
MsgBox ("Select first the code!!")
.datethis = Null
Cancel = True
End If
End With
End Sub

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