Renny Bosch
I have a form on which I can enter a number, and a "Run" button. I would
like to call the procedure indicated by the number, so I have tried to
calculate the procedure name and the name of the module in which that
procedure is found.
I tried various things, such as:
Dim myModule As Module
Set myModule = Application.Modules("Euler" & pn \ 25)
CallByName myModule, "Euler" & pn, VbMethod
On the statement I get error 438, Object doesn't support this property or
When the program stops there (having entered 11 for the number), I find that
myModule correctly resolves to Euler0, which is the name of the module that
contains the Sub Euler11(). So why do I get error 438?
Windows XP fully updated, MS Office 2007, VBA 6.5.
like to call the procedure indicated by the number, so I have tried to
calculate the procedure name and the name of the module in which that
procedure is found.
I tried various things, such as:
Dim myModule As Module
Set myModule = Application.Modules("Euler" & pn \ 25)
CallByName myModule, "Euler" & pn, VbMethod
On the statement I get error 438, Object doesn't support this property or
When the program stops there (having entered 11 for the number), I find that
myModule correctly resolves to Euler0, which is the name of the module that
contains the Sub Euler11(). So why do I get error 438?
Windows XP fully updated, MS Office 2007, VBA 6.5.